Frequently Asked Questions
If your answers not below please use the contact page to request an answer
Q What can I do with my Cubs or Scouts on the water for a section night?
Here's the official doc
Q What do I need to wear?
PFD - type 2 or 3
close-toed shoes - old runners, etc, anything with a closed-toe and a firm sole
sun smart clothing
anything else appropriate for the weather
helmet on white water
Q One of my scouts has participated in a canoe flatwater course. What can be signed off in their green book?
If they satisfactorily complete the course they will get an Anchor badge. If not satisfactory we invite them to come back at no charge to work on their skills at which point they'll be re-assessed, awarded the anchor badge and books signed on completion. The paddle Team are happy to sign their books on the day but they don't always bring them!!!
Satisfactory completion by a Scout allows sign-off for
Pioneer Water Activities 1-all, 2-all, 3.2, Elective A-all
Explorer Water Activities Elective A-all excluding an overnight journey
Adventurer Water Activities Elective A-demonstrate T-rescue
Q When is it suitable to enroll on a canoe or kayak course?
While there is no specific age the scout section is the best time for introduction to canoe & kayak
The point is to have fun while learning new skills on this course. Typically we would like to see that they are at least 12, tall enough (140 cm) and strong enough (50kg) to safely handle a boat for two days, and emotionally mature to handle a demanding course.
Naturally size and maturity varies along with pre-existing skills and this should be taken into consideration.
If there is any questions on this please contact us.
Q I'd like to join the paddle team. What's involved?
Details at Join the Team
Q How do I book a course?
All the details on our current course program and how to book a course are at Course list
Q I've done a canoe flatwater course and loved it. What comes next?
After Canoe flatwater you can elect to move on to Canoe whitewater or kayak flatwater. Refer to the flow chart below
Naturally if you want to go further in any discipline you can join the paddle team and become a guide or instructor

Q Can my scouts go on a trip on flat and undemanding water?
A Flat and undemanding water is defined as < 1.85km\h
All participants need to be qualified on the craft (canoe\kayak) and water type (flat and undemanding water , moving water, grade 2, etc) for the activity they are planning to undertake They are also required to take appropriate equipment and safety gear. We do ask that you contact the paddle to have an Activity Guide check the planning.
Q Can my scouts go on a trip on moving water?
Full question:-
A Scout is considering planning a canoe trip on the Murray River (NSW) for his Adventurer/green level Campcraft later this year (moving water, section from Barmah to Echuca).
There would be supervising leader accompanying the trip -
What training and experience do they need?
A The Murray River is an excellent location for a Green Cord Paddle.
Moving water is defined as > 1.85km\h and many parts of the Murray meet this criteria
On the Murray, River, ALL participants (including the supervising leader) need to have completed the Flat Water Canoe (Level 1) course and have done enough paddling after this to be assessed at Level 2 Flatwater. Level 2 Flat water is assess only, not a course, and the person must be assessed by the Paddling Team as being able to control their craft without direction from a guide. This usually equates to about 20 hours paddling after their Level 1 course. The assessment could be done by providing a log book of paddling, plus joining day 2 of a subsequent course (the journey component). There is no fee for participation in day 2 Flat Water Course Journey
The full paddling guidelines (extract below) can be found on our website here.
Flat water Canoe and Kayak (Level 1 & Level 2)
Can paddle the craft in which they are trained on Flat and Undemanding Water with people of the same or higher qualification
Can be guided on up to Grade 2 White Water or Sea/Surf in the craft in which they are trained
Can be guided on Grade 3 White Water or Level 3 Surf on a sit on top or self-bailing craft
Can participate in a White water course.
Level 2 Flat Water can paddle the craft in which they are trained on on moving Water less than Grade 2
All participants need to be qualified on the craft (canoe\kayak) and water type (flat and undemanding water , moving water, grade 2, etc) for the activity they are planning to undertake They are also required to take appropriate equipment and safety gear. We do ask that you contact the Vic Scout Paddle Team to have an Activity Guide check the planning.
Q Can my scouts go canoeing or kayaking as their Adventurer level hike?
yes - see previous 2 answers
Q I am a Youth section leader and have completed a Canoe Level 1 Flatwater course. Does this qualify me to be able to take youth out in our canoes?
A All participants need to be qualified on the craft (canoe\kayak) and water type (flat, grade 2, etc) for the activity they are planning to undertake They are also required to take appropriate equipment and safety gear. We do ask that you contact the Vic Scout Paddle Team to have an Activity Guide check the planning.